When I change pocket
books, in haste I just take everything out of the old bag and put it into a new
one, not even knowing that I was bringing the old papers, receipts and bills
along with me. It wasn't until
one day in the middle of this routine that I realized this is what I've been
doing in my own personal life. I was
carrying old bills, receipts, gum wrappers etc., or in other words "trash"
in a brand new bag. Everything looked good on the outside but what
people didn't know was that inside my nice new bag was trash.
That's how I have been
walking around for a while; looking great on the outside, but on the inside, were
old behaviors that I carried into this new season and new life in Christ. I
would constantly throw new items that I’d bought into my new bag adding to the
clutter of the old stuff. When it was
time for me to retrieve the new items, I had to push around the clutter to get
to them. It would have been so much
easier if I had just discarded the old things instead of putting them into the
new bag. God gave me a new life and he
constantly places new ideas, new desires and new behaviors in me that get lost in
the clutter of old behaviors and thoughts.
It wasn't until I
got tired of all the clutter in my bag that I decided one night to take
everything out of my new bag, separate the items and put the old things in the
trash. I also realized that I had to do this in my own life as well. There
were nights when I sat alone to trying
to separate the old from the new and even though the old thoughts and
behaviors I had unraveled frightened me, I had to look at them to
distinguish the two in order to discard what I no longer needed. What's in you
that is causing so much clutter? What's
taking up space and blocking the newness God has called you to walk in? Grab hold to the new ideas, new thoughts, and new
perspective about yourself that will allow you to clean out your bag. You don't have to settle with the mess.
The bible explains
in detail what happens when you mix the old with the new in Luke 5:37, "And no one pours new wine into old
wine skins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out
and the wine skins will be ruined." The end result will be devastating. If you are a new creature in Christ you cannot
allow the old things of your past continue to dwell in you or you will die in
the confusion of trying to be new while still practicing the old. Such behavior breeds frustration and
bitterness, and God has not called us to walk in frustration but instead he has
called us to walk in love. I Am Her - Bianka Rios.
-Romans 12:2
-2 Corinthians 5:17
-Luke 5:37
-2 Corinthians 5:17
-Luke 5:37