Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spring Fling

"He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord." Proverbs 18:22 NIV

Hello Ladies it's I am her and we are back! This week's blog is dedicated to all the single ladies. Well spring is quickly approaching its the time when the grass begins to grow and the flowers begin to bloom, time to get out more, picnics, running and working out. It's the time when winter acquaintances begin to blossom. This year be careful not to get caught up into a spring fling.
When you partner with a man you don't partner just for pleasure.

Look at the ant he works from instinct, many of us ignore instinct especially when it comes to hooking up. This is spring break season for many students, the gatherings are wild and crazy with no restraint, many will give themselves over to a spring fling. This is the hookup culture and everyone is searching for a hookup. Now is the time when people look for spring and summer fun.

Ladies you don't need a fling, you need a ring and someone to love you, someone that will not leave you ashamed, hurt or abused. Love doesn't act like that but a fling does, ladies it's defined to be temporary, deliberate short term sexual relationship between two people.

Love is an art that needs to be learned and practiced, full love must include a willingness to commit to someone. Commitment involves promise deliberate intention to take the bad with the good and a willingness to share one's life with. Love is of a purpose beyond yourself, a fling is for self and pleasure. Don't fling it because you can't wing it, it is worth the wait. The message bible interprets it like this "find a good spouse, you find a good life-and even more: the favor of God! Don't become the fling but become the thing that he can never live without.